Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blog Post 3: Describe where simulations or games might be appropriate to use to enhance learning in your lesson.

Games and simulations are activities that help enhance learner understanding of what they have just gone over. I like to include such things in my lessons because I can tell where each and every student stands before going further into the content.

In my storyboard, after several explanations, I go back and have my students work individually on what I just covered. After explaining the second law of motion and show a video, I ask the students to solve a problem. I help them by guiding them along and by posing the questions that they need to consider before going further into the problem. For example, what is it asking for, etc. I make it into a game. Using this at that time reinforces students understanding of what they just learned,

The very last game that I have at the end of the storyboard includes a group game that brings all elements, visual and text into the outside world. Yes it is very easy to see something on a computer screen, but to actually see it and feel it for your own, bring out this understanding that never occurred to them. By actually demonstrating for themselves that actual process of the second law of motion, bring the content to a whole new level.

Games and graphics can really be fun when used at the appropriate time. You cannot just bring a game in that has nothing to do with at lesson. I t ha to have purpose and has to be timed right. It must be directly related to content and nothing else.

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